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9 Tips That Will Help You Grow Your Views On YouTube

Tips To Get More Views On your YouTube Video

If you are searching " How to get more views on YouTube, How to Get more views on your video, How to grow your subscribers, How to grow your channel " , You are on the write place. 

Most of the beginners on YouTube quit to make videos because they are not getting views on their video. Many peoples upload lots of videos on their channel but they always fail and give up. Now,  " No need to Give up and Quit ". I have some tips to get more views on your video, So the following are the tips to Get more views on YouTube videos :

1) Create a Good & Your Own Content

You have to create a good content and it should be your own content. Do not copy other's content and post it on YouTube. You have make your own content and it should be attractive and enjoyful. You should give more time to prepare your content and make it attractive. If you create a copied content on YouTube then you can face a copyright strike on your YouTube channel and your video may also can be deleted. So, use your own content and attract viewers.

2) Collaborate with famous YouTubers

You can increase your views on YouTube video by doing collaboration with named youtubers. You can get tons of views by doing collaboration video with big youtubers and it also helps to gain more subscribers on your YouTube channel. So, you should have to collaborate with famous youtubers on YouTube to grow views.

3) Promote on Social Media

You should have to make your accounts on different social media like : facebook, instagram, twitter and pinterest etc, similar to your YouTube profile. You have to share all your videos on every platform that you post on your channel. You can't grow your views without sharing at the beginning.

4) Add Good Tags, Title and Description

When you post your videos on YouTube, make sure that you have to add all the title, tags and description properly. You shouldn't leave any any section because they are very important and they also play a big role in ranking your video on YouTube. You can't copy other's title, tags & description, you have to fill it your own properly. Don't leave any section empty, so that your video looks good to viewers.

5) Make an Attractive Thumbnail

Your video thumbnail should be attractive and look good, then only the viewers will click on it. If you had made an attractive thumbnail for your video, then your video will get more viewers because thumbnail are very important. We should make a higher quality thumbnail because HD Quality thumbnail also increase your SEO and helps to get more views.

6) Choose unique title

Your title should be completely different that other videos titles. This helps you to rank higher on YouTube. You should give unique and interesting title on your video. If you use an unique title, you will have less competition similar to your video. If you use the same title that others youtubers use, then you will have more competition. So, using an unique title helps you get more views.

7) Add endscreens on your video

If you don't know about endscreens, you find many videos on this topic on YouTube. Youtubers use endscreens on the last 10 seconds of their video and it helps to gain more views on your videos. Endscreen is like promoting your own video on your YouTube channel. So, you can promote your other videos by adding endscreens on your all the videos.

8) Add tags in your description also

You can add tags on your description box also. Adding tags on desciption will optimize your SEO and helps to rank higher. You have to add your video title to your description and tags box also. Doing this will increase your rank on YouTube Search Engine. You should take advantage of every features on YouTube, don't leave any sections empty.

9) Use Hashtags

Hashtags are very important for your videos. Hashtags helps to rank your videos on suggested videos or recommended videos. And did you know, About more than 50% views on video come from the suggested video. So if you use such hastags that are similar to other's videos hashtags then your will be suggested by that video.Hashtags helps your video to be suggested or recommended on other's videos.

If you want a tips to customize or Start a YouTube Channel on Budget, Click Here


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